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George Harrison : démenti ?

Après les rumeurs de future mort de George, les communiqués de presse vont bon train aujourd\’hui. Le plus significatif, reste celui publié ce jour par radio-undernet, que je vous livre tel quel…. un message très rassurant pour les fans des beatles et de Beatle George :

\”After news yesterday that George Harrison didn\’t have long to live, the Beatle has issued a statement saying that the newspaper reports were made up. The story that originated in London\’s Daily Mail quoted Beatle producer Sir George Martin as saying Harrison didn\’t have long left. Harrison and his wife have now issued the following statement \”We are disappointed and disgusted by the report,\” it said. \”It was unsubstantiated, untrue and totally uncalled for, when in fact Mr. Harrison is active and feeling very well. It has caused untold distress amongst our family and friends. The original \’story\’ was conjured up by the National Enquirer, the Globe and the Daily Mail.\” The alleged comment from Martin read \”He is taking it easy and hoping that the thing will go away. He has an indomitable spirit, but he knows that he is going to die soon and he is accepting that.\” This in itself seemed an incredible statement for Sir George to make considering his close friendship with Harrison. The newspaper quote has not been confirmed as accurate although the newspaper stands by its original story as factual. Despite the embarrassment this current round of press has caused to Harrison and his family, the fact is that the Beatle does have cancer and is being treated. \”


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