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Pure Smokey : George Harrison : paroles, traduction, histoire…

Pure Smokey

Informations sur la chanson

  • Crédits : Harrison
  • Durée : 3:56
  • Producteur : George Harrison & Tom Scott
  • Ingénieur : Hank Cicalo & Kumar Shankar

Les paroles de la chanson

Throughout my lifetimes I’d hesitate
I’d feel some joy
But before I’d show my thanks it became too late
But now all the way I want to find the time
Stop and say
I thank you Lord for giving us each new day
And as I think back over so many years
Love that’s filled my ears
I got to thank you Lord for giving us Pure Smokey
And anyone who hears – hears that voice so free
He really got a Hold On me
And I thank you all for giving to us Smokey – Smokey

Singing it so sweetly
Like no One else could do
Always trying Something new
I thank you all for giving us Pure Smokey

Musiciens ayant participé à l’enregistrement

George Harrison,Tom Scott, Willie Weeks , Alvin Taylor, Gary Wright, Richard Tee, Davi Foster , Emil Richards, Billy Preston.

L’enregistrement de la chanson

24 mai – 13 septembre 1976

Disques incluant cette chanson

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La boutique Beatles : goodies, gadgets, instruments de musique

Thirty Three & 1/3

CD / International


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