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Into the Sun : Sean Lennon : paroles, traduction, histoire…

Into the Sun

Informations sur la chanson

  • Crédits : Sean Lennon

Les paroles de la chanson

And when the day is done
I Will follow you into the sun
and after all My Love
I Will follow you into the sun

all the tears you cry
will One day be dry
and like birds we’ll fly
up into the sky
our love will survive

and when the day is done
i will follow you into the sun
and after all My Love
I Will follow you into the sun

all these days gone by
just like waves roll by
i can’t Wait to hold
you inside my arms
our love will survive

and when the day is done
i will follow you into the sun
and after all My Love
I Will follow you into the sun

Disques incluant cette chanson

La boutique Beatles : goodies, gadgets, instruments de musique

Into The Sun

CD / International

Half horse/Half musician

CD / International


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