She's My Baby : Paul McCartney : paroles, traduction, histoire...

She's My Baby

Informations sur la chanson

  • Crédits : P.& L.McCartney
  • Durée : 3:06
  • Producteur : Paul McCartney

Les paroles de la chanson

My baby, she comes out at night,
she’s takin’ me by surprise,
She’s my baby.

Like gravy, down to the last drop,
I keep mopping her up
Oh yeah, she’s my baby.

She’s my baby in the morning time,
when the sleep is in her eyes,
and the world is waking up,
she has a rhythm,
oh believe me, I ain’t lyin’ ;
She’s a woman.

She’s a lady in the evening time,
when the stars are in the sky,
that’s the time she changes back into a kitten,
oh believe me, I ain’t lyin’.

She’s my baby.
She’s my baby in the morning time,
when the sleep is in her eyes,
and the world is waking up,
she has a rhythm,
oh believe me, I ain’t lyin’ ;
She’s a woman.

She’s a lady in the evening tiem,
when the stars are in the sky,
that’s the time she changes back into a kitten,
oh believe me, I ain’t lyin’.

Ooh, like gravy,
sown to the last drop,
I keep moppin’ it up,
moppin’ it up, yeah,
She’s my baby…

Musiciens ayant participé à l’enregistrement

– Paul McCartney : chant, basse, guitares, claviers
– Linda McCartney : claviers, percussions, chant
– Denny Laine : guitares, claviers, chant
– Jimmy McCulloch : guitare, chant
– Joe English : batterie, chant
– Chet Atkins : guitare
– Geoff Britton : batterie
– Howie Casey : cor
– Floyd Cramer : piano
– Tony Dorsey : trombone, cor
– Johnny Gimble : violon
– Dennis Good : trombone
– Lloyd Green : guitare
– Steve Howard : cor
– Barry McDonald : trompette
– Billy Puitt : clarinette, saxophone
– Dale Quillen : trombone
– Norman Ray : saxophone
– Thadeus Richard : saxophone
– Don Sheffield : trompette
– George Tidwell : trompette
– Ernie Winfrey : trompette

L’enregistrement de la chanson

Janvier-février 1976


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